A Preacher, A Plant, A Worm, and A Wind – Jonah 3-4

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Today we are going to conclude our study of the book of Jonah.  The story of Jonah is so much more than the fascinating tale of man swallowed by a fish and living to tell about it. Read more…

Whale of a Tale (Part 2) – Jonah

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Last week we began looking at the life of Jonah, the backslidden prophet.  We talked about Jonah’s call to go and pronounce judgment upon Nineveh.  We talked about how God calls every child of His to serve Him in some way.  Read more…

A Whale of A Tale, Part 1 – Jonah 1:1-3

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Today we are going to look at the story of Jonah.  A while back a mother of one of our preschoolers told me a funny story about what her child said about Jonah.  Read more…

A Tale of Two Brothers – Obadiah 1-21

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Turn to the book of Obadiah.  I’ll give you just a little longer to find Obadiah than I’d give you for Genesis.  Obadiah is the shortest book in the Old Testament, tightly tucked between Amos and Jonah, and Obadiah is as obscure as any of the prophets.  Anybody ever heard a sermon from Obadiah or memorized a verse out of Obadiah?  Read more…

The Peril of Ease in Zion – Amos (selected scriptures)

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It has been said for years by gospel preachers of every stripe that the times since the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ is the age of grace.  The NT definition of grace is “the absolute free expression of the lovingkindness of God; the unearned and unmerited favor of God”.  Someone in recent days has defined grace as being “God’s unmerited favor freely given to those deserving infinite wrath”. Read more…

O Little Town of Bethlehem, What Wonders You Make Known – Micah 5:2-5

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Human beings are insatiable seekers of wonder.  Anything that will amaze.  Years ago someone came up with the first of numerous lists of the so-called Seven Wonders of the World.  One of the lists contains man-made wonders.  That list includes the Empire State Building.  And it is no wonder that the Empire State Building is a wonder.  Including its lightening rod it stands almost 1500 feet tall and was the tallest building in the world when it was built in 1931.  Read more…

The Great and Awesome Day of the Lord (Part 2) – Zephaniah

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Bible scholar Warren Wiersbe raised an interesting question in his opening remarks regarding the book of Zephaniah.  He asks, “When was the last time you sang a hymn about the future judgment of the world?”  He goes on to say that you’ll not find any songs about judgment in most modern hymnals.  Read more…

The Great and Awesome Day of the Lord – Joel

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Two weeks ago we began a journey through what we called the Dark Continent of Scripture.  And if you were here you know that the Dark Continent of which we speak is the last 12 books of the OT, which we call the Minor Prophets.  These prophets are not minor because their message is in anyway inferior to the Major Prophets, but only because they didn’t have as much to say.  Read more…

The Amazing Love of God – Hosea, selected scriptures

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Today we are going to begin a twelve message series that I pray will prove to be an exciting journey for all of us.  We are going on a spiritual safari to what some have called “the dark continent of Scripture”.  And on this safari I pray that we will capture many spiritual truths to take home with us.  Read more…